6 Tips for a Luscious Lawn

Mar 03, 2020
Mark Dobbyn | Agronomist at Patoka Branch

With spring right around the corner now is the time to take action for a great lawn this season. 

Here are 6 tips to have the lawn that your neighbor will envy:
  1. Raking removes any leaves that blew in your lawn over the winter and will remove dead grass debris.  If left alone this material will add to your lawns thatch layer, which is not healthy for your lawn.  Raking will also loosen matted turf clumps caused by snow mold (not the case this winter) this can smother new growth.
  1. Aerating is vital for a healthy lawn.  Spring and early summer is the right time to aerate warm season turf.  Fall is the best time for cool season grasses, but if you didn’t get it done in the fall it’s better to go ahead and do it in the spring than not at all.
  1. Fertilize with a product high in nitrogen once your lawn first shows signs of coming out of dormancy.  This will promote lush new growth that will help shade out weed competition.  When nighttime temperatures stay warm it’s time to switch to a slow release, lower rate of nitrogen fertilizer.  Lawn mower pull type spreader is available at your Superior Ag location for your use to make the application.
  1. Applying a pre-emergent herbicide will help prevent weed seeds from germinating and competing with your turf.  Be sure to read the product label for rate and duration of coverage.  If you over seed do not make a pre-emergent application, and again read the pre-emergent product label for when you can treat newly established turf.
  1. Make a broadleaf herbicide application to eliminate winter annual broadleaf that are competing with your turf.  Stop in your local Superior Ag location to learn more about post emergent herbicides.
  1. Start mowing when the ground is dry enough and grass is long enough to require cutting.  Cut at the proper height for your type of turf.  Avoid mowing too low.  Turf cut too short allows sunlight to reach soil, encouraging weed seeds to germinate.  It also favors shallow root development, which makes the lawn more susceptible to drought stress.  Keep your mower blades sharp.  Dull mower blades can affect not only the look of the lawn, but also the health of the turf.  Dull blades rip or tare the grass blade resulting in a jagged edge.  This jagged edged will brown within days, causing an uneven look to a recently cut lawn.
Hope you find these tips helpful.  Stop in your local Superior Ag location for your fertilizer, herbicide and seed needs.