FeedPurina Honor Show Chow Full Range Steam Flaked Corn
Feed designed to help promote feed intake, bloom and fill in cattle fed for show. Full Range can be fed throughout the entire feeding period to young calves being prepped for sale as well as steers and heifers being fed for exhibition. It's never too early to start thinking Winner's Circle. Honor Show Full Range feed gives you the flexibility you need from start to finish to succeed in the ring.
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Honor® Show Full Range™ feed is designed to help promote feed intake, bloom and fill in cattle fed for show.
Full Range™ feed can be fed throughout the entire feeding period to young calves being prepped for sale as well as steers and heifers being fed for exhibition. It's never too early to start thinking Winner's Circle. Honor® Show Full Range™ feed gives you the flexibility you need from start to finish to succeed in the ring.
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Crude protein, % (min) 12.00
NPN, % (max) 3.50
Crude fat, % (min) 3.00
Crude fiber, % (min) 17.00
Calcium, % (min) 0.52
Calcium, % (max) 1.02
Phosphorous, % (min) 0.30
Salt (NaCl), % (min) 0.15
Salt (NaCl), % (max) 0.65
Potassium, % (min) 0.30
Vitamin A, IU/lb (min) 3,520
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Store in a dry area away from insects. Do not feed moldy or
insect-infested feed.
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Offer Honor® Show Chow® FULL RANGE™ at 2.0 to 2.5% of bodyweight per day along with free-choice grass hay. Always offer plenty of fresh, clean water. This feed is designed for show cattle 400 pounds to Show with proper management. Frame, genetics and management will determine finishing period. Follow these management practices: 1. When making a ration change, allow 7-10 days for animals to adjust to the new ration. 2. Provide a source of fresh, clean water at all times. 3. Do not allow fine material to accumulate in feeders. 4. Provide adequate, well-protected and well-managed bunk space for each animal to prevent feed from becoming wet and moldy. 5. When fed from a self-feeder, adjust feeder to minimize quantity of feed accumulating in trough. 6. Cattle should be vaccinated against enterotoxemia. 7. Consult your veterinarian for the recommended health program for your local area. This includes internal and external parasite control. 8. Provide plain salt and Purina Wind & Rain® All Season mineral free choice. In groups of cattle, there are certain animals that experience chronic bloat or other digestive disturbances, and consequently are poor performers. In addition, excess feed consumption, severe weather changes resulting in erratic feed consumption and poorly-managed feeding practices can increase the incidence of bloat in all cattle. If bloating does occur, the above management practices should be reviewed.