MineralPurina Wind & Rain 7.5 All Season Cp
Provide your cattle the consistent mineral intake they need to perform. Containing 7.5% phosphorus, balanced levels of essential macro, and micro trace minerals, and supplemental vitamins A, D, and E, this product provides the complete mineral nutrition to address mineral deficiencies inherent in forages - while supporting optimal health, reproduction, and growth - in a convenient, self-fed form. Purina recommends testing your forages to ensure you provide the appropriate mineral and vitamin supplementation to your herd year-round. Can include additives of Availa 4 chelated trace minerals and Altosid fly control.
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Provide your cattle the consistent mineral intake they need to perform with Purina® Wind and Rain® Storm® All Season 7.5 Complete Beef Cattle Mineral. Containing 7.5% phosphorus, balanced levels of essential macro, and micro trace minerals, and supplemental vitamins A, D, and E, this product provides the complete mineral nutrition to address mineral deficiencies inherent in forages – while supporting optimal health, reproduction, and growth - in a convenient, self-fed form
Purina recommends testing your forages to ensure you provide the appropriate mineral and vitamin supplementation to your herd year-round.
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Nutrient Name Min Max Indicator Nutrient Amount
Calcium Min 13.50%
Calcium Max 16.20%
Phosphorus Min 7.50%
Salt Min 18.00%
Salt Max 21.60%
Magnesium Min 1.00%
Potassium Min 1.00%
Manganese Min 4800 PPM
Cobalt Min 18 PPM
Copper Min 1200 PPM
Iodine Min 60 PPM
Selenium Min 27 PPM
Zinc Min 3600 PPM
Vitamin A Min 300000 IU/LB
Vitamin D3 Min 30000 IU/LB
Vitamin E Min 300 IU/LB
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DO NOT FEED TO SHEEP DUE TO HIGH LEVELS OF SUPPLEMENTAL COPPER. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area protected from rodents and insects. Do not feed moldy or insect-infested feed to animals as it may cause illness, performance loss or death. USE ONLY AS DIRECTED
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Feed this product free choice to cattle receiving rations composed largely of grass hay or to cattle grazing range or grass pastures. Optimum intake is 4 ounces per head daily.
IMPORTANT: Follow these management practices:
1. Cattle receiving phosphorus deficient diets may over-consume this product when it is first offered.
2. Place the mineral feeder near the water supply or in the animals' loafing area.
3. Put out fresh mineral at least once per week.
4. Feeding free choice salt is not required with this mineral.
5. Provide fresh, clean water near the feeding area.