5 Winter Tips for Healthy Livestock
Dec 04, 2020
Megan Hasenour | Marketing Communications Manager

Winter on the farm brings more outdoor chores in the frigid temperatures, to keep your livestock healthy. Here are some tips to keep in mind for the coming winter:
Feed Supply
Livestock’s energy is increased drastically in the winter months. Their body is working harder to keep warm, meaning their nutritional requirements demand more than normal. Therefore, colder weather brings a bigger appetite.
It’s crucial to plan and project ahead in the winter months for your livestock nutrition order. Our team diligently manufactures high quality animal nutrition, and fulfill the orders as they come in. Therefore, our team requires a 48 hour (working day) lead time to allow proper planning, manufacturing and delivery of a wholesome product, in a timely manner.
With the upcoming Holidays approaching, here are the Holiday Hours that the Superior Ag Dale Feed Mill will be operating on:
Superior Ag Dale Feed Mill Holiday Hours
All times are listed in CENTRAL Time
December 21-23 6am – 4pm | Normal Operating Hours
December 24 6am – 11am
December 25 Closed
December 28-30 6am – 4pm | Normal Operating Hours
December 30 6am – 11am
January 1 Closed
January 4 6am – 4pm | Resume Normal Operating Hours
Investing in proper bedding is crucial for your livestock. Allowing a plentiful layer of bedding provides adequate warmth your animals need. If the bedding becomes wet, it will be unable to maintain your herds proper body temperature, leaving them cold and uncomfortable.
Having shelter available to your herd when winter arrives will minimize stress, as their body changes temperature. Even if the shelter is a lean-to or or windbreak, it will get the animals out of the elements for a period of time. Giving their body a break from the inclement conditions.
Take time to make repairs now, before winter weather has you dreading the repair work even more. Check for leaks in the roof or wind coming through the walls. Your goal is to make sure your livestock has a warm and dry environment to keep them comfortable.
Water Access
Heater waterers are ideal, but they are only helpful when they are turned on. If you don’t happen to have the luxury of heated waterers, try using heated water buckets or water heaters to keep your troughs from freezing.
Also remember, keep electrical cords out of animal’s reach. Always check cords throughout the season.
Prepare Yourself
There is nothing worse than putting on your insulated boots for the first time in the winter, finding out an hour later that your sock is soaking wet from a hole that has formed.
Not only is the cold weather hard on animals, it’s hard on us too! Check your closet and begin to take inventory of your winter farm gear. Does your zipper on your thick insulated jacket work? Can you find both pairs of your warm gloves? Whatever you normally wear and use to keep warm, get it out. Wash it and get it ready. If you have to make upgrades to any of your gear, then you have a little extra time to find a cost-effective replacement. We’re not saying get something new, but you will be able to find something warmer and better than you currently have.
By preparing yourself, you’ll be able to provide the right environment and best possible care for your animal this winter. Because who knows what Mother Nature has up her sleeve.

Winter on the farm brings more outdoor chores in the frigid temperatures, to keep your livestock healthy. Here are some tips to keep in mind for the coming winter:
Feed Supply
Livestock’s energy is increased drastically in the winter months. Their body is working harder to keep warm, meaning their nutritional requirements demand more than normal. Therefore, colder weather brings a bigger appetite.
It’s crucial to plan and project ahead in the winter months for your livestock nutrition order. Our team diligently manufactures high quality animal nutrition, and fulfill the orders as they come in. Therefore, our team requires a 48 hour (working day) lead time to allow proper planning, manufacturing and delivery of a wholesome product, in a timely manner.
With the upcoming Holidays approaching, here are the Holiday Hours that the Superior Ag Dale Feed Mill will be operating on:
Superior Ag Dale Feed Mill Holiday Hours
All times are listed in CENTRAL Time
December 21-23 6am – 4pm | Normal Operating Hours
December 24 6am – 11am
December 25 Closed
December 28-30 6am – 4pm | Normal Operating Hours
December 30 6am – 11am
January 1 Closed
January 4 6am – 4pm | Resume Normal Operating Hours
Investing in proper bedding is crucial for your livestock. Allowing a plentiful layer of bedding provides adequate warmth your animals need. If the bedding becomes wet, it will be unable to maintain your herds proper body temperature, leaving them cold and uncomfortable.
Having shelter available to your herd when winter arrives will minimize stress, as their body changes temperature. Even if the shelter is a lean-to or or windbreak, it will get the animals out of the elements for a period of time. Giving their body a break from the inclement conditions.
Take time to make repairs now, before winter weather has you dreading the repair work even more. Check for leaks in the roof or wind coming through the walls. Your goal is to make sure your livestock has a warm and dry environment to keep them comfortable.
Water Access
Heater waterers are ideal, but they are only helpful when they are turned on. If you don’t happen to have the luxury of heated waterers, try using heated water buckets or water heaters to keep your troughs from freezing.
Also remember, keep electrical cords out of animal’s reach. Always check cords throughout the season.
Prepare Yourself
There is nothing worse than putting on your insulated boots for the first time in the winter, finding out an hour later that your sock is soaking wet from a hole that has formed.
Not only is the cold weather hard on animals, it’s hard on us too! Check your closet and begin to take inventory of your winter farm gear. Does your zipper on your thick insulated jacket work? Can you find both pairs of your warm gloves? Whatever you normally wear and use to keep warm, get it out. Wash it and get it ready. If you have to make upgrades to any of your gear, then you have a little extra time to find a cost-effective replacement. We’re not saying get something new, but you will be able to find something warmer and better than you currently have.
By preparing yourself, you’ll be able to provide the right environment and best possible care for your animal this winter. Because who knows what Mother Nature has up her sleeve.